If you have not received your Aokana goods, please complete this survey
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 12:19:55 AM
Hi everyone... So as you all know by now, the shipping from China has resulted in massive headaches, some are still ongoing, and we seem to be finding more all the time that are just being brought to our attention. (ie they were shipped, but are just finding out that they were never delivered).
If, as of today, you have not received your Aokana Merch, even if you have already opened a ticket or been in communication with us via KS DM, Discord, etc, please complete the google survey and include as much information as you can, especially tracking number, email, and the correct shipping address. We are doing our best to resolve these but we need to have a clear understanding of what exactly to this date has not been delivered, so we can try to find out what happened. Some reasons are known and being worked on, others are not clearly understood yet.
We appreciate your patience and apologize. This is one of many reasons we won't be shipping from China next time. Thanks again.
Feb 1st Shipping Updates
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Feb 03, 2021 at 04:21:29 AM
Hey everyone! Quick update for you, we got a new batch of info from HF, 31 orders were shipped, a combination of remaining orders and reshipments of incorrect dakis, items lost in transit, etc. You should receive a tracking number this afternoon if you are one of those.
In addition, here are some more updates. The following backers are scheduled to be shipped this week 14753274 14081099 14080462 14080702
And the following will be shipped via a 3rd party shipper (DHL, Fedex, etc) as they were unable to be shipped via SF Express for various reasons. 14080544 14080498 14341932 14080167 14826623 14080933 (No tracking number is currently available for these)
There are also a few remaining orders that cannot be shipped due to address/zip code issues, we will attempt to correct them and reach out to you for further assistance if needed.
Thanks for your continued patience.
Lack of updates, KS updates
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 11:25:59 PM
Hey everyone- apologies for the long gap. Between the holidays, and the primary person who handles the shipping communications (me) getting pretty badly injured a few weeks ago and waiting to get corrective surgery, we haven't been able to get much done. I'm working on going through the backlog over the next few days and try to get updates out to everyone that needs one. Depending on the fastest way I may send out another update with statuses for individual backer IDs rather than individually to get it out to you all faster.
Thank you for your patience, and our apologies again for the long delay.
Once again a reminder to check your spam folders
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 11:28:39 PM
Just another reminder, we've asked SF to resend all emails and asked them to also double check to make sure the email addresses they are using are correct. Please check for messages from CC collect or SF.
Thanks, we're working on it as best we can
Important Update: Customs cannot be modified
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 08:25:39 PM
Hi everyone, unfortunately SF has told us that most countries have not allowed them to modify the declared customs value, so we'd advise you to pay the requested tax. If you are affected and the declared value is double what your order total was, please open a support ticket at nekonyansoft.on.spiceworks.com/portal and reference your backer ID, Tracking Number(s), amount of tax paid, and a screenshot/attachment of the receipt showing that the tax has been paid. (This is to prevent people fraudulently requesting refunds) If you've already submitted a ticket we will follow up with instructions.
Once you do this we will provide you instructions to request your refund via paypal.
Sorry again for the inconvenience, and thanks!