Aokana Physical Merch Pre-Order

Created by NekoNyan

The post-campaign pre-order campaign for the Aokana Kickstarter, for those that missed the campaign but would still like to be able to get some physical merch goodies. *If your country is not listed as an available shipping destination, please email us at [email protected] with your country, and we can look into adding it. **Please be aware that VAT is not included in any price, your customs agency/postal service may charge VAT prior to delivery depending on your country. The order total for physical shipped goods will be used as the customs declaration amount.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Install Bug for JAST/Denpa/etc versions and temporary fix
over 5 years ago – Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 03:19:02 AM

Are you guys tired of hearing from me yet? :)   We accidentally overlooked something when compiling the build prior to release. When running the installer, it is looking for Aokana_InstallX.bin.  The files are actually named Aokana InstallX.bin (with a space instead of a _).  This can be fixed by manually renaming them, or by downloading this batch file and running it from the folder with all the .bin files in it.!At0tRBtNE6qxoTtixFeUo00jCs_t?e=PdfVCg

This is a temporary expedient fix and we are working on getting properly fixed builds uploaded to platforms ASAP.  In addition we have started to receive initial bug reports and will be working on getting those fixed.

1. When in JP language OP videos do not play (will be pushed to steam users, and a fixed build uploaded at a future date to other platforms)

2. A couple minor issues in the CG viewer with wrong CG being shown/missing CGs

3. A weird bug when the game is set to Chinese

These and any other reported bugs will be resolved ASAP and updates uploaded and sent out. We appreciate your patience, and if you want to report any bugs feel free to do so.

JAST and Denpa build updated!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 02:37:46 AM

Hey everyone, one more update for now. The JAST and Denpasoft builds have been updated with the latest build and has a fixed installer. If you download after this point you do not need the batch file workaround. Everyone who has already installed the game can download the latest patch here >

JAST version now available to redeem keys!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 02:36:22 AM

Hey everyone again! Sorry for the delay on the JAST version, that's on us. We distributed a new build last minute to fix some bugs and they were still uploading it. It's available now though, and those of you with JAST keys can now redeem them at

Once again thanks everyone and enjoy the game!!

Game is out!!!!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 02:36:08 AM

Hey everyone! Aokana is now out digitally! It's available (or will shortly be available) on all storefronts, including Steam, Denpasoft, JAST, Nutaku, Mangagamer, and Fakku.  We'll post some more info shortly but some of you will have to download a patch later to fix a couple last minute bugs we found too late to include in the release build.  We also sent out a manual download link for the 18+ patch through Backerkit, but you can also download it for free from our site!

If you have any questions or concerns let us know, and please enjoy the game! We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed working on it!

From all of us at NekoNyan, thank you!!!!!!!

Backerkit Closing *TOMORROW*!!!! Complete your backer surveys now!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 02:53:22 AM

Hi everyone, just a quick note from us, backerkit is closing TOMORROW NIGHT (US Time). Please please make sure you complete your surveys ASAP and add any add-ons you want. The pre-order store will be closing at the same time, so if you haven't placed a pre-order and want to, this is the time to do it!  There is a small chance we might be able to offer stuff later but for now this is the only guaranteed chance you will have to get merch, so don't miss out!

In addition we will likely send out Steam and JAST keys on Thursday. If you want to receive your key make sure your payment method is up to date BEFORE we charge cards, as we will only be sending keys to backers who's payments have completed successfully.

Please let us know ASAP if you need help with backerkit so we can assist you.


-NN Staff