Aokana Physical Merch Pre-Order

Created by NekoNyan

The post-campaign pre-order campaign for the Aokana Kickstarter, for those that missed the campaign but would still like to be able to get some physical merch goodies. *If your country is not listed as an available shipping destination, please email us at [email protected] with your country, and we can look into adding it. **Please be aware that VAT is not included in any price, your customs agency/postal service may charge VAT prior to delivery depending on your country. The order total for physical shipped goods will be used as the customs declaration amount.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Really really final request for address updates!!!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 28, 2020 at 09:51:06 PM

Hi everyone, this is a real last call for addresses- since production is about to begin, we need to finalize the order and shipping lists for our partners.  Can you please make sure you either send us a kickstarter DM or email at [email protected] ASAP if you need to update it?



Physical Merch Samples!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 20, 2020 at 11:27:12 PM

Hey everyone! We have some good news for you. 

The initial manufacturing samples (pre-mass production to determine if any changes are required) have arrived at Hikari Field's offices, and they sent us some pictures.  Here are just a few for you to get an idea of what stuff will look like.  

With this, production of the final product should be beginning in the near future (though production is still at limited capacity due to COVID restrictions in Chinese factories).  One more thing, obviously this has taken far longer than anticipated due to the COVID pandemic.  

If anyone needs to update their Backerkit shipping address, please let us know via Kickstarter DM, Discord, or email us at [email protected]. We'll keep you informed as things happen, for now, enjoy!

Misaki Tapestry Sample
DIN A3 Acrylic Board
Acrylic Figures
Collectors Edition Front
Collectors Edition Box Back
Collectors Edition Box Side
Vocal & Sound Collection
Sample of page in OST booklet
Shikishi Storage Case
Shikishi Case Side
Mashiro Tapestry Sample
Extra1 Tapestry Sample

Volume 3 and 4 of the Drama CDs are now available!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 08, 2020 at 01:49:52 AM

Hey everyone just a real quick note, as promised the next 2 DramaCD volumes are now available. If you backed for a tier that includes them, or purchased the add-on through backerkit you should have received a download link via backerkit in your email.  For anyone else that would like to purchase them, you can do so at our site here and here.

Have a great night!


P.S.: The steam copies will be available once Valve approves them, it will probably be a few weeks.

Quick Update May 5, 2020
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 07, 2020 at 08:47:26 AM

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait, we have been holding off on posting an update in hopes we'd have some more solid news for you on merch production.  At the moment we are still waiting on an ETA from our partner on when production will be resumed.  As soon as it is, we'll let you know and hopefully have some sample photos to share with you.

We expect to have the next 2 drama CDs released for backers and for sale on our site by the end of the week.  The DLC will be available on Steam as soon as approved by Valve.  Extra1 Translation is underway and the translation is around 20% complete.

Next, a lot of you have probably seen/heard the news about the physical switch release  (and digital PS4 release) by our friends over at P-QUBE (follow them here ) by now.  You can check out their twitter and site (here: to find where you can pre-order the physical Switch version depending on your country. 

=> twitter

Right now, you can pre-order the limited edition (which will include an artbook) at the following stores, more stores should be added later as well.

That's all we have for today, we hope to have some more good news for you soon, and we hope you are all staying safe and healthy.

Next Aokana Merch Update & Nintendo Switch / Playstation 4 versions announced
about 5 years ago – Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 06:59:42 PM

We wish you all a nice weekend!

Today we have another quick update regarding the Aokana physical merchandise.

We are very sorry to inform you that all the factories that are producing the physical merchandise for us remain closed because of the Coronavirus outbreak to prevent the spread of the virus by order of the Chinese Government.  For now, we have to wait until the factories get permission to return to operation.

Again, we thank you for your patience with this!

On another note, we were finally able to share with you the news that we started working together with PQube regarding the publishing of the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 versions of the game.

For more information, you can click the link to PQube's Twitter as well as their homepage.

As always let us know if you have any questions, and we'll let you know when we have a new update to share.

Also if you need to get your delivery address changed because of the delay, please send us a message and we will change it for you!

Have a nice weekend!