*PLEASE* Check your spam folders for the customs notifications
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 10:03:23 PM
Hi everyone, we're still working on the previous issues, but here some additional information to keep in mind.
1. If there is a due date to pay taxes by, PLEASE PAY IT BY THEN. If you are affected by the double tax issue, wait until a day or two before the due date, and then pay it and open a support ticket and we will quickly refund you the difference on the double tax.
2. If you do not pay the tax by the due date, the package will likely be DISPOSED OF, and there will be nothing us, HF, or SF will be able to due at that point to recover it. As the responsibility is on you to pay the tax, we will not be able to refund it. Depending on if there is any stock left at the end of shipping we MIGHT be able to offer a replacement at your shipping cost, but we cannot currently guarantee that option will be available. So again we beg of you, PAY YOUR TAX BY THE DUE DATE!
3. The emails asking to pay customs MAY GO TO YOUR SPAM FOLDER, and the English used by the carrier isn't great so it does look a bit suspicious- but your tracking number WILL be listed so you can rest assured it's legitimate. If you are in Europe, you will be able to verify by going here to pay. https://cccollect.co/#/
Here is an example of the email you will receive from SF alerting you to pay tax.
For future campaigns we will likely be going with a different carrier but for now it's too late to switch.
More updates (Wrong Dakis)
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 09:38:20 PM
Hi everyone, the first-campaign lessons continue to pile up for us. We are compiling a list of things that went wrong, and what we'll be doing to address them for future campaigns. Once again, we sincerely apologize for the inconveniences, this has been a real learning experience for us. HF is making good progress on shipping orders, and are averaging around 70 a week, there's still a few hundred left, so if you haven't gotten a tracking number yet hang we ask you be patient a little longer.
Regarding the customs issues, SF is still trying to work out with UK Customs what can be done to amend the total value so people who are being sent 2 packages aren't being billed double value on their taxes. As before, if you have not paid yet, do not do so unless we tell you otherwise. If you've already paid, please open a ticket here https://nekonyansoft.on.spiceworks.com/portal and include your pledge ID, email, name, the declared value, and the tax you are being asked to pay. We'll send you instructions on how to get a refund for the extra tax you paid.
Next, there's been some questions about why people aren't receiving all their merch at once- this was because we did not combine multiple backerkit orders for the same backerID, which means separately placed orders will be shipped out of order. For future campaigns we will be merging all orders from the same backer, and are looking into other shipping carriers that won't route all packages for Europe through the UK, hopefully.
Finally, a new issue has cropped up where people who had ordered a Misaki or Mashiro daki are receiving the wrong one. HF has identified these orders and will be shipping a replacement, and you will not have to return the one that was sent to you in error.
Thanks everyone, please continue to let us know of any issues as they come up so we can address them.
We appreciate everyone's patience with us.
Have a great weekend!
Followup on the Customs Issue
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 07:30:45 AM
Hi again everyone, just wanted to provide a brief update. After digging into it further, we've figured out why this happened. In China, there is a "Master package-sub package" arrangement, where for customs purposes two packages are part of the same "shipment" and thus the same value is listed on both customs declaration forms. That is what happened here, when SF filled out the customs forms they used that method as they are used to, unfortunately the UK Customs (and others) don't recognize this and just see it as two different packages with two different customs values. It's currently midnight in China, so hopefully tomorrow we'll find out if this can be resolved on the backend. In the meantime, don't pay any customs duties. If you have already paid, please open a ticket here> https://nekonyansoft.on.spiceworks.com/portal and we'll assist with getting you a refund on the extra taxes paid.
Thanks again for your patience, and we apologize for the issues. Learning experience for us.
IMPORTANT: Some orders have double customs values (Read for more info)
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 03:33:58 PM
Hi everyone, we've been alerted that some people are being asked to pay much higher amounts than they should for tax/customs purposes. After some investigation we've determine the issue is that larger orders are being split into 2 packages. The issue that's arising is that the shipping partner didn't cut the declaration value on each package in half, so in essence the declared value ends up being double what it's supposed to be. We're working quickly to amend this issue and track down all the affected orders. We're working with our partner to see if the values can be amended by the shipper, if that's not possible we will refund you the difference between what you are supposed to pay and what you actually paid. If this issue is affecting you, please open a support ticket here https://nekonyansoft.on.spiceworks.com/portal
Please include your name, email, and tracking number, as well as the declared value and the tax due. If you've already paid please also include this information and we'll contact you to refund you the difference.
In addition just as a note, the declared values are in USD, while the original KS is in Euros, this means that there will be some conversion differences (for example if you backed the 90eur tier, your total is 105eur, with conversion to USD you'll see a declaration of around $124, so don't be alarmed if you see a (slightly) higher declared value in USD.
Thanks and we sincerely apologize for the mixup, we're doing everything we can to make it right.
Please Read: More Shipping News, and more VAT/Customs Info
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 10:15:28 AM
Hi everyone, it's Tuesday, and it's certainly a day of the week. Hope your week is going well. So with this update we'd like to offer some more information and clarification which should hopefully ease your minds.
We've gotten a lot of questions about not receiving tracking numbers. Not to worry, Hikari Field is working diligently to process and ship orders. As of this morning 343 orders have been shipped, so there's still a ways to go. If you have not received a tracking number through Backerkit your order hasn't shipped yet. It may be several more weeks until your order is processed so hang tight.
Next up there's been some confusion on the topic of VAT/customs duties. When SF Express (the shipping carrier, like UPS or DHL) imports a good into a country, that country's customs office will take possession of the package and levy any customs or VAT (Value added tax) that is due by the country's laws. In some cases SF will contact you for payment, or another agency will contact you (In the UK this will often be CC Collect for example). (For EU residents you can find more info about VAT here https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/individuals/buying-goods-services-online-personal-use/buying-goods/buying-goods-online-coming-from-a-noneu-union-country_en)
We need to make extra clear that this is not a shipping fee or additional fee being applied by NekoNyan, Hikari Field, or the Shipping Carrier. This is legally owed tax or customs duties imposed by the country you live in, as such there is nothing we can do to bypass this or waive the fee. We had posted an update about this topic in August of last year as well. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Let us know if you have any questions,
-NN Team