over 5 years ago
– Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 05:19:02 PM
Hey guys we hope you have a wonderful weekend!
We would have never expected it but we already hit stretch goal #3 only four days after the campaign has launched. And that means we will reveal our first mystery stretch goal!
- The first item is another beautiful tapestry that features all four heroines. It will be automatically included in Tier 5 and higher.
- The second item is a mouse pad with gorgeous art also featuring the four heroines as well as the character Saki. The mouse pad will be automatically included in Tier 6 and higher.
Also every single reached stretch goal item will be available to buy as an add-on on Backerkit once the campaign ends!
We also have the next mystery stretch goal prepared that we will reveal at a later date! Be prepared for that one especially!
See you guys for the next update!
2nd Stretch goal reached! New digital tiers, and new digital key options oh my!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 06:58:25 PM
Hello everyone, sorry for the late post, we’ve been crazy busy working on all sorts of fun stuff for you guys, and we've got a lot of ground to cover! To start off, barely 48 hours after the start of the campaign, and we’ve already hit our 2nd stretch goal, at 35,000€! You guys are incredible, the amazing support is making us even more excited for the rest of the campaign! In another 10,000€ (actually only 7,895€ as of writing!) we’ll hit the 3rd stretch goal, and then reveal the first of the mystery stretch goals(!), so keep an eye out as we get closer! To go along with that, to try and offer as much choice as possible, all the unlocked stretch goal merch will be available to everyone through backerkit, if you backed a tier that didn’t include it.
Next on the list, we have something that we think a lot of people are going to be excited over. Originally, this was (and remains) a Kickstarter aimed at bringing you high-quality Aokana goods. Despite that, we’ve had a number of people contact us asking about digital-only tiers. After a lot of discussion internally we’ve decided to open the Kickstarter to backers who’d like to back for the digital version to support the campaign, but don’t want, or can’t get physical merch. For Digital Tier 1, for 28€, you’ll get a digital key for a copy of the game. And for Digital Tier 2, at 50€ you will get a digital key for a copy of the game, a digital copy of the OST (which includes over 10 vocal tracks from artists such as Kawada Mami!) and a digital copy of the Visual Fanbook which will be available in PDF and EPUB format. We hope you enjoy these new digital-only options! You can find a new chart for those tiers at the bottom of this update.
And to follow that up with some more great news, we’ve had a few people on multiple platforms ask about the possibility of getting DRM-free keys instead of Steam. After some discussion, we’ve come up with a solution to allow you to choose through backerkit whether you receive a Steam Key, or a JAST key, for a DRM-free copy!
Finally, we want to discuss some merch stuff. We’ve been overwhelmed by the support so far, so we’ve decided that we want to give you guys some more options for add-ons. So working together with our friends at Hikari Field, we’ve come up with some ideas for some more additional add-ons that we think you are going to love. Hikari Field is still working out the details, but as soon as we have some more info to share with you, we’ll be sure to let you know. One last thing, we’ve gotten some questions on the material for the tapestries. They are a very high-quality sateen material, so you can look forward to those. We’re all excited for what the future has in store, and hope you are, too!
Until next time, "Ready furr liftoff~!"
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 07:17:07 PM
We already reached the first Stretch Goal 21 hours after we launched the campaign!
We also added the first "Mystery Stretch Goal" at 70000€. We will reveal it to you guys if we reach the third Stretch Goal at 45000€!!
We are amazed by your support and hope you are happy with our selection of physical goodies.
Have a great week everyone!
Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and South Africa added to the shipping list!
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 11:48:33 AM
Due to multiple requests, we have added additional countries(Costa Rica, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa) to the shipping list, but unfortunately, due to the higher shipping fees, we will need to add a nominal extra charge to the shipping cost for those countries.