The post-campaign pre-order campaign for the Aokana Kickstarter, for those that missed the campaign but would still like to be able to get some physical merch goodies.
*If your country is not listed as an available shipping destination, please email us at [email protected] with your country, and we can look into adding it.
**Please be aware that VAT is not included in any price, your customs agency/postal service may charge VAT prior to delivery depending on your country. The order total for physical shipped goods will be used as the customs declaration amount.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
September News Roundup: Game Release date, Perfect Edition news, and more
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 01:31:20 AM
Hey everyone, happy Friday, it’s almost the weekend!
It’s been a while since we last updated you guys about what’s going on with Aokana.
We are happy to announce that Aokana was approved by Valve and will be released at the end of this month, on the 27th of September!
The game will be, like our other games, released simultaneously on the NekoNyan store, Denpasoft, Fakku, JAST, Mangagamer, Nutaku as well as Steam (with a free patch available). The launch price will be $34.99 with a 10% launch discount.
Next, Backerkit will close on September 25th. Please make sure your order is locked in ASAP, so that you can get your digital keys. As of right now, there are still 175 people who need to lock their surveys in, so please take a few minutes and complete it. If you have issues completing it, please send us an email at [email protected].
We are also really excited to announce that we secured the rights for the additional scenes from the Perfect Edition of Aokana. Those will be added a few weeks after the release of Aokana and will be available as paid DLC for $4.99. People who backed us on Kickstarter or pre-ordered the game on Backerkit will get those for free.
Most of you know that we hadn’t been originally planning on licensing the Perfect Edition, which in our cases adds a couple of extra scenes (and H-scenes) with Misaki. Some of you may also know the reason for that was due to the very high additional costs of that version over the base version. As time went on, more and more people asked about us getting the PE, and expressed interest in it. Ultimately, after thinking long and hard about it, we wanted to give you guys, the fans, what you wanted as best we can. We decided to go ahead and license the Perfect Edition scenes, but to help offset the extra costs, have them as an add-on DLC for those that want them.
Finally, in general NekoNyan news, we are looking for an additional Unity programmer to assist us with porting games from KiriKiri, BGI, and others, to our in-house Unity engine. If you, or someone you know has Unity experience, and is interested in helping to bring VNs to the west, please email a full resume to [email protected], along with any examples of previous work, if possible.
Thanks everyone! We hope you are looking forward to the game releasing in just 2 weeks time!
-NekoNyan Staff
Backerkit & Game Updates, and some HD CG samples!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 11:21:28 PM
Hello everyone! Happy Thursday, is everyone ready for the weekend? It’s been a little while since our last update. First, we wanted to thank everyone for getting us so far so quickly, we are at 74% of Backerkit surveys completed. If you haven’t completed it yet, please make sure you do that, the more who do it now, the fewer stragglers we’ll have to bother later :). If you have issues putting in your address or any other questions, please let us know and we can assist. As a reminder, you can reach us either by email at [email protected] or by submitting a support ticket at
Beyond that, we wanted to talk about the progress on the game a little bit. Due to the delay incurred by the Steam review, we’ve been able to take it a bit easier, with some more time to polish up the game and add the extra features. QA is well underway, with all 4 of our QA’ers enjoying the game *cough* working hard to make sure it’s as bug and typo-free as possible. Our programmer is working hard as well to implement the additional features we promised in our stretch goal, including a sprite viewer and music gallery player. We hope to have some preview images of what that looks like in the coming weeks. In addition, the upscaled high-res CGs are finished, and we are working on the compression for those to help cut down on the game size (13GB with the HD CGs!) Below you can see a few examples of how beautiful the game’s art looks in 1440p resolution, as well as a link to the download of the fullsize images if you want to use them for a wallpaper or something!
We’ll keep you guys informed of any important news, and will post a few more teasers from the game in the coming weeks. We hope you enjoy your weekend, and we’ll see you next time. Ready furr liftoff nyaa!
-Neb Neb & Kiriya
Please enjoy the fantastic art, here is a link to the fullsize image downloads.
Backerkit: 72 hours in, 60% surveys in, let's keep the momentum going!
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 08:41:32 PM
Happy Saturday everyone! We are 72 hours into the Backerkit surveys, and a whopping 60% of you have already submitted yours. That still leaves 40% to go though, so make sure to get those locked in! Just a reminder you can add add-ons, and upgrade your tier via Backerkit at the start of the survey. See the below image for where you can do that. If for some reason you haven't received your survey, make sure you check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please send us a DM on Kickstarter, or send us an email at [email protected] , or submit a support ticket here> with your info and we'll take a look, and we can send you a manual direct link to your survey if needed. Also keep in mind that you can edit your survey up until Backerkit is locked, so if you decide in a month you want to add additional add-ons, you can do that!
If you have any other questions or issues feel free to contact us as well and we'll do our best to assist as soon as possible! Also just a reminder our pre-order store page is also open, so if you know someone that missed out on the campaign and wants to pick up some merch, make sure to share it with them!
Backerkit is GO! Pre-order page is also live!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:03:09 AM
Hey again everyone! It feels like we've had a lot of updates lately. Backerkit surveys were just sent out to all remaining backers. Please make sure you get those completed before the end of September! We'll start reminding you later ;) ! In addition, the Backerkit pre-order store for anyone who missed the campaign is live here > . The drama CD bundles are also on backerkit, and they are a 20% discount over the regular price. The launch discount when they go on sale will likely not be as steep, so this is the cheapest you'll be able to pick them up!
Thanks for all your support to date, please let us know if you have any questions.
Backerkit smoke-test started
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 01:36:54 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.