Aokana Physical Merch Pre-Order

Created by NekoNyan

The post-campaign pre-order campaign for the Aokana Kickstarter, for those that missed the campaign but would still like to be able to get some physical merch goodies. *If your country is not listed as an available shipping destination, please email us at [email protected] with your country, and we can look into adding it. **Please be aware that VAT is not included in any price, your customs agency/postal service may charge VAT prior to delivery depending on your country. The order total for physical shipped goods will be used as the customs declaration amount.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit going live next week, and shipping/customs information
over 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 02:12:13 AM

Hey everyone! We have some important information for all of you regarding Backerkit and shipping/VAT/customs.

First of all, Backerkit should be going live early next week! It has been submitted to Backerkit for initial review, and next week once the 14-day waiting period is over, we will begin sending out surveys. That means some of you will be receiving the surveys, and your responses will help determine if there are any issues that need to be addressed. Once that has been completed, we will be sending out the remaining surveys to all backers, and opening the pre-order store. The tentative plan is to close Backerkit around the 3rd week of September, so as mentioned above we have time to send out the digital keys. 

 Next up, we've gotten questions regarding VAT/customs declarations. Unfortunately, as the physical goods are manufactured in China and shipped from there, depending on your country, you may have to pay the customs duties/VAT prior to delivery. We apologize for the late notice on this, as this is our first campaign it wasn’t something that came up until late in the Backerkit setup process, and as this is our first campaign it wasn't something we had thought about. We’ve received some suggestions that we artificially lower the value on the declaration forms. We cannot do this, as it is most definitely not legal, and could put us at severe risk, especially as an EU-based company. We wanted to make sure you knew about this prior to Backerkit going live, so you can factor it into your add-on decisions.

Thanks again for your support, please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 11:20:12 PM

Well, here we are.  42 days, 130,766€, and 1,191 backers later.  To say we are flabbergasted by the final numbers is an understatement.  We couldn’t have done it without you. All of you guys are the real MVP's of this campaign, helping to spread the word and trusting us to get it done.  We will do our best to exceed your expectations and make the rest of the campaign just as much of a success as it has been so far. Once again, from all of us here at NekoNyan, thank you for your absolutely staggering support.

To follow that up, we have a few more things we want to talk about.  First of all, Backerkit is nearly complete, and we are hoping to have the surveys sent out and the site go-live next week.  We’ll keep you informed when we get a better idea of what day that’ll be, so keep your eye on your email. Backerkit is also used to add your shipping address to the campaign.
 Next, we have of course the Drama CD stretch goals.  Well, as it turned out 120k wasn’t that much of a stretch after all!  This does of course mean that all 9 will be translated into English for your viewing (reading?) pleasure.  Please look forward to those, as there is some really great stuff in there. 

Finally, we are happy to present to you the Grand OP, subtitled in English. What better time to release it than right at the conclusion of the wildly successful campaign.  As mentioned before, the first OP will also be subtitled and uploaded in the near future as well. For now, please enjoy, while we get back to work getting this amazing game ready for release.

Thanks from everyone here at NekoNyan on the Aokana team!

NekoNyan Managing Director, the man who made all this possible, and also go-between with Sprite: Akerou

Translators: Akerou, TBAC

Editors: DxS, Chuee

QA: Kiriya, Saki, Haerts, SSparks31

Programmer: BinaryFail

General stuff-doer and PR: Neb Neb, Kiriya

Video Translation/Subtitles: DS55

Dawn of the Penultimate Day: 48 hours remaining!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 01:27:06 AM

Hey everyone! We are in the final 48 hours of the campaign now, and I know we sound like a broken record, but the amount of support we've gotten to date has blown away our expectations.  We are still working on getting backerkit set up, and will send out another update with an estimate on when we expect surveys to go out. The wait shouldn't be too long though!  For now, let's try to do everything we can to hit the final stretch goals at 110k and 120k.  The drama CDs are waiting!  


over 5 years ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 12:27:34 AM

Hey guys!

We wish you a nice weekend and hope you survived the heatwave in the last week. Remember to stay hydrated!

On Thursday, only a couple of days after the 80k mark, we reached stretch goal #7!

To keep things short, we present to you our last stretch goal today!
We are happy to announce that our next stretch goal will be the addition of the Aokana Drama CD's. There are 9 different short stories featuring your favorite Aokana characters. 

The Drama CD's will be available as DLC at a later date, after Aokana has already been released. 

They will be launchable from inside the game, and will be fully subtitled in English.

Details for the stretch goal:

  • Vol. 1+2 of the Drama CD's will be automatically added to Tier 3 and higher.
  • Vol. 3-6 of the Drama CD's will be automatically added to Tier 8 and higher.

They will also be available as add-ons when the goal is reached!

If we are able to reach the 120k€ mark (Backerkit proceeds will be counted towards the goal as well) we will also release volume 7-9!

The campaign is still live for 3 more days so make sure to pledge your tier or at least the 1€ tier if you want to upgrade your pledge later via Backerkit.

Again thank you so much for your continued support, we couldn’t have come this far without all of you!


Quick Update: Backerkit Updates
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 09:10:46 PM

 Good evening everyone! Just a quick update from us today. As mentioned in the last update we're hard at work getting Backerkit set up, and wanted to keep you informed on the latest news.  We'd gotten some questions about if it would be possible to upgrade your pledge to a higher tier once the campaign is over. We're pleased to announce that you will be able to do so if you wish. Any tier will be able to upgrade their pledge to the 90€ and higher tiers once the Backerkit surveys are sent out. This means anyone on the digital-only tiers can upgrade to a physical one, and someone on the 60€ could upgrade to the 240€ tier if they wish.  We think this will allow more flexibility to choose a higher pledge later, if for some reason you cannot do so before the end of the campaign.

In addition, we will be adding Paypal as an option to pay for your Backerkit add-ons, which should hopefully help some of you out. Finally, we will also be opening the Backerkit Hosted Pre-order store along with the Backerkit surveys.  This will allow anyone who doesn’t find out about the campaign until after it’s over to pre-order physical merch as well.  It’s our hope this will allow as many people that want to pick up Aokana merch as possible the ability to do so.

Keep your eyes out for more info in the coming days as we enter the final few days of the campaign. Once again, we can’t say enough how much we appreciate the incredible level of support we’ve received up until now.  Truly, thank you all. Until next time!


PS: Will be added to the FAQ, but for those asking about the MousePad: It is 270mmx360mmx3mm.